asecos Main catalogue - Working safely with hazardous substances

7 Outstanding quality management Our certified quality management system complies with the international standard ISO 9001 and thus proves that the quality control of every sub-process of asecos confirms the company philosophy and all its activities. A reliable partner throughout Once again asecos GmbH was awarded the coveted “CrefoZert” seal for an “outstanding” creditworthiness. The price is awarded by the leading rating company Creditreform Hanau Leibrock KG. Ventilation - protection and safety at work For over 20 years asecos has been manufacturing ventilation equipment for working with hazardous materials. All asecos hazardous material work stations have been thoroughly tested over time on the basis of German (e.g. DIN 12924-1) and European standards (e.g. EN 14175-3 Para. 5.4.4). Also in the field of ventilation of safety storage cabinets, asecos offers a wide, ever-expanding range of different solutions. With all its products, asecos is supported by renowned test institutes such as infraserv Höchst, IFI Institute for Industrial Aerodynamics, Tintschl Engineering and others from the development of the perfect solution right up to the serial production of certified products.