asecos Main catalogue - Working safely with hazardous substances

SHOULD SAFETY STORAGE CABINETS IN ACCORDANCE WITH EN 14470-1 BE CONNECTED TO TECHNICAL VENTILATION? Safety storage cabinets according to EN 14470-1 should, but do not necessarily have to be, connected to a technical ventilation system. In the case of safety storage cabinets that are not technically ventilated, substitute measures must be taken to ensure comparable explosion and health protection for employees. Technical ventilation as a precautionary measure to prevent the occurrence of a dangerous explosive atmosphere is recommended. It should be used in the interests of health protection even and already in the case of a „mere“ odour nuisance. YOUR ADVANTAGES: ››› No health hazards for the employees ››› No EX zones in and around the safety storage cabinet required ››› Occupational exposure limits (OEL) are safely complied with CAUTION! The lower explosion limit of a solvents is many times higher than the occupational exposure limit of most substance. 1 2 Solvent Flash point Fp °C Steam pressure p 20°C mbar/hPa Lower Explosion Limit LEL (1 VOL-% = 10.000 ppm) Occupational Exposure Limit OEL Ether (diethyl ether) -40°C 587 mbar 1,7 Vol-% = 17.000 ppm 400 ppm Heptan C7H16 -4°C 48 mbar 1,1 Vol-% = 11.000 ppm 500 ppm Acetone C3H6O < -20°C 233 mbar 2,5 Vol-% = 25.000 ppm 500 ppm Ethanol C2H5OH 12°C 59 mbar 3,1 Vol-% = 31.000 ppm 200 ppm With their special construction, asecos safety storage cabinets are ready for connection (NW 75) to and operation of a technical ventilation system. The supply air in the upper (1) and exhaust air in the lower part of the cabinet (2) successfully eliminate harmful vapours. The hazardous substance vapours are then led to the technical exhaust air duct via the cabinet ceiling. There, the exhaust air can either be connected to an on-site exhaust air system (exhaust air ducted to a safe location outdoors) or to a recirculating air filter system. Please observe local legislation and regulations. 30 Flammables