asecos Main catalogue - Working safely with hazardous substances

Flash point Classification and labelling of flammable liquids depends on the flash point of the liquid. Definition Flash point The temperature at which enough vapour escapes from a liquid that an ignitable mixture is created with the ambient air (EN 1127-1). Explosion limits Explosion limits are the minimum or maximum concentration levels of vapour of a flammable or combustible material (expressed as percent by volume in air) at which an explosion will occur in a confined area if an ignition source is present. No explosion can occur in the presence of very low or very high concentrations. Definition ignition temperature Ignition temperature (of a flammable gas or liquid) is the lowest temperature of a hot surface, determined under prescribed test conditions, at which ignition of a flammable substance occurs as a gas-air or vapour-air mixture. The fire triangle The basis for the handling of hazardous materials is knowledge of the fire triangle. This clearly illustrates that a fire or an explosion is only possible if three conditions are fulfilled: Combustible substance Ignition source Oxygen Examples of flash points of flammable liquids Material Flash point °C Ether (diethyl ether) -40 °C Petroleum ether / light petrol < -20 °C Petrol < -20 °C Diesel / Heating oil / Gas oil > 55 °C Petroleum / Turpentine / Kerosene 30–40 °C Ethanol 12 °C Propanol 12 °C Acetone < -20 °C MEK (butanone) -1 °C 0 % 100 % UPPER EXPLOSION LIMIT (UEL) LOWER EXPLOSION LIMIT (LEL) RICH MIXTURE non explosive EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE LEAN MIXTURE non flammable, non explosive SOURCE OF IGNITION: Mechanical spark Electrical spark Chemical reaction Electrostatic discharge Hot surface Open flame COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: Gas Liquid Solid OXYGEN Proportion OXYGEN SOURCE OF IGNITION COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL EX °C Temperature of the liquid above the flash point Temperature of the liquid below the flash point "Lean mixture" IGNITABLE VAPOUR-AIR MIXTURE FLASH POINT 60° 23° 0° Please observe local legislation and regulations. 27