Today, flammable hazardous substances are used in most laboratories and companies. The safe and legally compliant storage of these hazardous substances often presents users with major challenges. Because of their nature, flammable liquids and solids easily contribute to the spread of fire and, if stored incorrectly, pose a high risk to both people and the environment. Under certain conditions, vapours from flammable hazardous substances can form an explosive atmosphere and, in combination with an ignition source, cause explosions. Vapours therefore pose a particular risk. In hazmat containers that appear to be empty, for example, an explosive mixture can be created by the remaining contents. Legal basis / information ››› Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) ››› Health and Safety Executive (HSE) ››› Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) ››› Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) ››› Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 (CHIP) Definition Substances whose vapours can form an explosive atmosphere and which are easily ignitable in the presence of an ignition source. The following diagrams show the classification of flammable liquids according to the CLP Regulation / GefStoffV. Hazard class Hazard class / pictogram Hazard Category Signal Word H Code Flammable liquids Category 1 Hazard H 224 Category 2 Hazard H 225 Category 3 Caution H 226 Flash point Flash point 60° 35° 23° 0° 0° 21° 55° GefStoffV old °C °C 93° 60° 23° °C °C ./. (old VbF A III) 55 °C < Fp 100 °C flammable R10 highly flammable R11 Boiling point > 35 °C extremely flammable R12 Boiling point 35 °C CLP (EU-GHS) GEFSTOFFV Category 4: flammable Not provided for in EU-GHS! Flash point > 35 °C Check sustained combustibility Category 3: flammable (H226) Category 2: highly flammable (H225) Boiling point > 35 °C Category 1: extremely flammable (H224) Boiling point 35 °C CAUTION HAZARD extremely flammable highly flammable NO SYMBOL GGVSEB Category 4: flammable Packaging group VG III VG II Boiling point > 35 °C VG II Boiling point 35 °C (Gas oils, diesel and light heating oils Flash point = 55–75 °C can apply for transport as category 3) Classification, labelling and characteristics of flammable liquids RISKS AND HAZARDS Please observe local legislation and regulations. 26 Flammables