232 Lithium-ion batteries LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES – HOW PROFESSIONALS AND INSURERS RECOMMEND HANDLING BATTERIES Ever more fequently, private individuals, tradespeople, and companies are using lithium-ion batteries classified as being in the moderate performance class according to VdS 3103. It is important to keep safety in mind when doing so. If you do not store and/or charge these batteries properly, they can pose hazards and safety risks. Insurers, associations, and professionals have drawn attention to this issue. Property insurers recommend using available protective equipment (such as type 90 safety storage cabinets) to minimise risks and avoid damage. Property insurers recommend the use of safety storage cabinets for the following reasons: “If lithium ion batteries are required at production facilities, then measures and safety precautions such as (...) storing them in fire-resistant cabinets should be considered”. IMK Ber. No. 192 Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Kunkelmann Section 2.2, last updated 10/2017 “Lithium batteries should generally be treated as a hazardous material.” Publication VdS 3103 : 2019-06 (03) General Association of the German Insurance Industry published by VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH "Areas with medium power batteries should be spatially (at least 5 m) or structurally separated from other areas with fire-resistant structures.” Publication VdS 3103 : 2019-06 (03) General Association of the German Insurance Industry published by VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH “Fire-resistant safety storage cabinets (type 90) with smoke detector monitoring offer particular protection, as batteries can be both stored and charged there in a protected manner. “ Provinzial Flyer – E-Bikes handling lithium safely, last updated 06/2020 “Past damage we have seen has shown that damaged or defective batteries, in particular, can cause a fire. We have also seen fires caused by lithium-ion batteries in bicycle stores”. Provinzial - Handling lithium-ion batteries safely in bicycle sales, www.provinzial.de last updated May 2020 “Larger quantities, or more powerful LIB must be stored at a safe distance from flammable materials. If they are stored inside buildings, then a clearance of 2.5m from other goods must be maintained, or the LIB must be stored in a separate area secured by fire protection technology (like a safety storage cabinet or container)!” LIB= Lithium-ion batteries DGUV Information 205-041 Fire protection when handling lithium-ion batteries Last updated 02/2024