asecos Main catalogue - Working safely with hazardous substances

17 WHAT ARE, IRRESPECTIVE OF QUANTITY, THE BASIC OBLIGATIONS FOR HAZMAT STORAGE? What are the general requirements for hazardous material packaging and containers? The primary safeguard to prevent the release of flammable liquids is provided by the container. It is therefore critical to ensure that it is of appropriate design for the duty. The materials of construction should be compatible with the chemical and physical properties of the flammable liquid to ensure that no interaction occurs which might cause leakage. All the container openings should be equipped with a secure and well-fitting cap or lid to resist the escape of flammable liquid or vapours, including if the container falls or rolls over. All stored hazardous materials must be identifiable. Labelling must contain sufficient information about the classification of the hazard involved in handling and the appropriate protective measures that need to be observed are evident or can be derived. What needs to be observed when dealing with hazardous liquids? Locations where flammable liquids are stored should have adequate means to prevent the uncontrolled spread of any spillages or leaks beyond the confines of the storage area. Typically, this is achieved by ensuring the base or floor of the storage area is impervious and enclosing this with an impervious sill, low bund wall or drainage channel to contain a volume that is at least 110% of the capacity of the largest container, where these are of metal construction. What needs to be observed when dealing with flammable materials? Preventing leaks and possible accumulation of dangerous quantities of flammable liquid or vapours is the first priority. However, you should anticipate that flammable liquids or vapours could still escape and have adequate and sufficient control measures in place to prevent their ignition. Pressurised gas cylinders containing flammable materials with connected withdrawal devices may only be stored with additional protective measures (e.g. effective ventilation openings in a storeroom or cabinet with an area of more than 100 cm²) in order to avoid the formation of a potentially explosive atmosphere. Is the storage of hazardous materials in stairways or corridors allowed? Hazardous materials may not be stored in areas where they may pose a risk to employees or other persons. These include in particular: ››› Access routes, such as stairways, escape and rescue routes, corridors, passageways and narrow courtyards ››› Break rooms, on-call rooms, sanitary areas, first aid areas or daytime accommodation rooms Please observe local legislation and regulations.