asecos Main catalogue - Working safely with hazardous substances

110 FX90.229.120.MV Drawers/number 9 8 7 6 5 4+1 4 3+1 3 2 Distance  (mm) 145 Distance  (mm) 135 145 Distance  (mm) 135 170 240 Distance  (mm) 135 170 230 240 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 275 145 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 265 230 340 275 Distance  (mm) 135 170 170 230 330 230 360 295 435 Distance  (mm) 170 170 170 230 265 230 360 295 520 915 Distance  (mm) 230 230 200 265 330 475 425 475 550 615 Storage capacities per drawer/type of container Quantity Type of container Container size 30 Aerosol cans 400 ml 12 Cans 1 litre 12 Laboratory glass bottles 1 litre 12 Laboratory PE-bottles 1 litre 6 Laboratory glass bottles 2.5 litres Shelves/number 4 3 2 Distance  (mm) 370 Distance  (mm) 285 400 Distance  (mm) 315 380 Distance  (mm) 315 410 3 2 1 3 2 1 FX90.229.120.WDAC Drawers/number 9 8 7 6 5 4+1 4 3+1 3 2 Distance  (mm) 150 Distance  (mm) 135 150 Distance  (mm) 135 170 150 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 250 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 280 250 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 345 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 360 440 Distance  (mm) 170 170 200 230 295 230 360 520 920 Distance  (mm) 230 230 265 265 295 520 425 550 615 Storage capacities per drawer/type of container Quantity Type of container Container size 90 Aerosol cans 400 ml 40 Cans 1 litre 40 Laboratory glass bottles 1 litre 40 Laboratory PE-bottles 1 litre 15 Laboratory glass bottles 2.5 litres Shelves/number 4 3 2 Distance  (mm) 370 Distance  (mm) 285 400 Distance  (mm) 315 380 Distance  (mm) 315 410 3 2 1 FX90.229.090.WDAC Drawers/number 9 8 7 6 5 4+1 4 3+1 3 2 Distance  (mm) 150 Distance  (mm) 135 150 Distance  (mm) 135 170 150 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 250 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 280 250 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 345 Distance  (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 360 440 Distance  (mm) 170 170 200 230 295 230 360 520 920 Distance  (mm) 230 230 265 265 295 520 425 550 615 Storage capacities per drawer/type of container Quantity Type of container Container size 49 Aerosol cans 400 ml 23 Cans 1 litre 23 Laboratory glass bottles 1 litre 23 Laboratory PE-bottles 1 litre 9 Laboratory glass bottles 2.5 litres Shelves/number 4 3 2 Distance  (mm) 370 Distance  (mm) 285 400 Distance  (mm) 315 380 Distance  (mm) 315 410 3 2 1 Storage heights Recirculating air filter storage cabinets type 90