110 FX90.229.120.MV Drawers/number 9 8 7 6 5 4+1 4 3+1 3 2 Distance (mm) 145 Distance (mm) 135 145 Distance (mm) 135 170 240 Distance (mm) 135 170 230 240 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 275 145 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 265 230 340 275 Distance (mm) 135 170 170 230 330 230 360 295 435 Distance (mm) 170 170 170 230 265 230 360 295 520 915 Distance (mm) 230 230 200 265 330 475 425 475 550 615 Storage capacities per drawer/type of container Quantity Type of container Container size 30 Aerosol cans 400 ml 12 Cans 1 litre 12 Laboratory glass bottles 1 litre 12 Laboratory PE-bottles 1 litre 6 Laboratory glass bottles 2.5 litres Shelves/number 4 3 2 Distance (mm) 370 Distance (mm) 285 400 Distance (mm) 315 380 Distance (mm) 315 410 3 2 1 3 2 1 FX90.229.120.WDAC Drawers/number 9 8 7 6 5 4+1 4 3+1 3 2 Distance (mm) 150 Distance (mm) 135 150 Distance (mm) 135 170 150 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 250 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 280 250 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 345 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 360 440 Distance (mm) 170 170 200 230 295 230 360 520 920 Distance (mm) 230 230 265 265 295 520 425 550 615 Storage capacities per drawer/type of container Quantity Type of container Container size 90 Aerosol cans 400 ml 40 Cans 1 litre 40 Laboratory glass bottles 1 litre 40 Laboratory PE-bottles 1 litre 15 Laboratory glass bottles 2.5 litres Shelves/number 4 3 2 Distance (mm) 370 Distance (mm) 285 400 Distance (mm) 315 380 Distance (mm) 315 410 3 2 1 FX90.229.090.WDAC Drawers/number 9 8 7 6 5 4+1 4 3+1 3 2 Distance (mm) 150 Distance (mm) 135 150 Distance (mm) 135 170 150 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 250 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 280 250 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 345 Distance (mm) 135 170 200 230 295 230 360 440 Distance (mm) 170 170 200 230 295 230 360 520 920 Distance (mm) 230 230 265 265 295 520 425 550 615 Storage capacities per drawer/type of container Quantity Type of container Container size 49 Aerosol cans 400 ml 23 Cans 1 litre 23 Laboratory glass bottles 1 litre 23 Laboratory PE-bottles 1 litre 9 Laboratory glass bottles 2.5 litres Shelves/number 4 3 2 Distance (mm) 370 Distance (mm) 285 400 Distance (mm) 315 380 Distance (mm) 315 410 3 2 1 Storage heights Recirculating air filter storage cabinets type 90