10 Hazardous substances basics STORAGE AND HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES – ARE YOU SAFE? WHICH LEGAL BASIS HAS TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? In many workplaces and laboratories, the use of hazardous substances is part of everyday work and is unavoidable. What can be easily overlooked in daily handling? Improper storage, especially of flammable substances, poses various dangers to people, the environment and property. ››› Fires and explosions caused by, for example, the improper storage of flammable liquids and gases ››› Pollution of soils, groundwater and surface waters through e.g. contaminated extinguishing water or leakages ››› Downtimes up to bankruptcy, e.g. due to destroyed buildings, laboratories after fires (after a fire, approx. 80% of companies go bankrupt) ››› Endangering health Business owners and managers must be aware of their responsibility for the handling and storage of hazardous substances and regularly ask themselves the following questions: ››› Do I know the legal regulations for hazardous substances? ››› Do I apply these regulations? ››› Do I fulfil my duty of care towards people and the environment? ››› Do I store hazardous substances in my company in accordance with the regulations? DSEAR 2002 “The particular objective in the event of an incident, is to ensure that people can safely escape from the workroom/working area.” (DSEAR ACoP L136 par. 68 refers) What is DSEAR? DSEAR (applicable in the UK) stands for the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002. Dangerous substances can put peoples’ safety at risk from re and explosion or energetic event. DSEAR puts duties on employers and the self-employed to protect people from risks from res, explosions and similar events in the workplace. This includes members of the public who may be put at risk by both the work hazards and any secondary hazards likely to occur at the time of Incident, Accident or Emergency, arising from the work activity, such as toxicity, or escalating re load. WHAT ARE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES? What are dangerous substances? Dangerous substances are any substances used or present at work that could, if not properly controlled, cause harm to people as a result of a re or explosion. They are clearly de ned into ve separate categories: 1. A substance or preparation which meets the criteria in the approved classi cation and labelling guide for classi cation as a substance or preparation which is explosive, oxidising, extremely ammable, highly ammable or ammable, whether or not that substance or preparation is classi ed under the CHIP Regulations or CLP. 2. A substance or preparation which because of its physico-chemical or chemical properties and the way it is used or is present at the workplace creates a risk, not being a substance or preparation falling within subparagraph (a) above; or 3. Any dust, whether in the form of solid particles or brous materials or otherwise, which can form an explosive mixture with air or an explosive atmosphere, not being a substance or preparation falling within subparagraphs (a) or (b) above; Please observe local legislation and regulations.